
Tooling setup

We use Rollup to build the library and Next.js to build the documentation. You can also run Jest tests over the code.

You should use pnpm instead of npm.

Follow these steps to run the project locally:

  1. Download and install Node.js 16.
  2. Install pnpm (npm install -g pnpm).
  3. Fork the repository and clone it.
  4. Open root directory and run pnpm install to install dependencies.
  5. Open /docs folder and run pnpm install again to install documentation dependencies.
  6. Go back to the root.


start — build library and docs, then run next.js server with documentation
start:docs — run next.js server with documentation (you need to run pnpm build:docs before)
build — build library
build:docs — build documentation with next.js
build:all — build library and examples
watch — run library building in watch mode
watch:docs — run documentation (next.js) in dev mode
watch:test — run unit testing in watch mode
test — run unit tests
coverage — generate coverage report
fix — fix code with prettier, eslint and stylelint

How to contribute

  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Create a feature-branch (feature/{feature_name}) based on the main branch.
  3. Commit changes and push.
  4. Create a pull-request from your feature-branch.
  5. Wait for your pull-request to be closed.